I've been an avid gamer for over a decade now, closer to two really. During those years I've seen the gaming industry do some incredible things with the medium, and I've witnessed the Gaming industry do some incredibly stupid things as well (anyone remember the Spore debacle, I do!) Eventually those actions led me to frustration and bitterness but eventually to a sense of purpose. Sure there are hundreds if not thousands of game reviewers out there, all with fancy web pages ad revenue supplied by gaming publishers to support them.
Me I'm just a guy with a goal and that goal is to push the industry towards more transparency. Better interaction with their customers and accountability to us, the consumers of their products when they invariably screw up somewhere. They are human...well most of them at least. Read on for more info on how I plan to use this blog in the future!
If your reading this then I have your attention. Good!
Ever bought a game based on a good review score only to be utterly disappointed with the game? I know I have. Ever had something to say to the developers or publishers but felt like you were being ignored? I know I have Numerous times in fact. Ever wish that the laws governing our use of video games actually felt like they offered us the consumer some rights and protections? I have almost every time I read a new EULA/ToS agreement. Ever sent a news tip to a gaming site that you felt was important only to have it completely ignored? I unfortunately, have as well.
I know how frustrating it can be at times to do something as simple as enjoy a game due to poor design choices detracting from the overall experience offered by a game. This is where I come in. Each week (hopefully more often) I'll take a bit of recent news regarding a game or article related to gaming and attempt to dissect it, find flaws with it, praise it (where deserved!) and examine it from the perspective of a typical user in hopes of shedding some light on an issue.
I'm sure your asking yourself by now "what makes you so important and special that your opinion matters?"
Well to be perfectly honest my opinion matters just as much as anyone Else's does. As for what makes my opinion different than anyone Else's, in short....Nothing. I'm just a guy that loves the interactive medium of video games and who has grown completely fed up with the industry BS surrounding video games. I feel that if the industry as a whole would stop the Bull, the industry would discover just how much more room to grow it possesses instead of its own creativity being stifled by the garbage piled up around it.
Check back next week when I discuss why EULA/TOS agreements suck for gamers and i detail a bit more information about myself and my hobby!